HomewreckingHomewrecking is a game that I have loved for some time now. That and Financial Domination, totally wreaking havoc on the lives of men. Men who fall for me and adore me. Who want to have their time and bank accounts absolutely controlled. That’s what I’m here for.

I’ve spent plenty of time bullshitting with other companies thinking that’s what I wanted. And it just recently hit me that I can do bad all by myself. I kill it with all of you that have been following me for years, and what better adventure than to just focus on what I love. That being homewrecking, sissy sluts, and Financial Domination.

Recently I was playing with a client near and dear to my heart. Who has basically been there for me since day one when I was just a baby pso in the crazy world. I love getting to know all of you and building relationships, even learning from some of you.

Well, the other day this client brought a little game to my attention, that I want to share with you.

You see there are these websites where you can get wheels that spin and make choices for you. The whole point is that whatever the wheel says goes. That being exposure or financial domination amounts, tasks, or anything you can think of. Homewrecking Games

It’s quite an amazing time of guessing what’s going to happen and the thrill of actually following through. It also adds a little spice to the table. Sure I can get you off with my slick tongue that will wreak havoc on your mind. But sometimes it’s about a little more than just talking.

I apologize to my sluts that I have been kinda mia for, not many of you know but I had some serious stuff happen with someone close to me. And now that all of that is taken care of, and I am no longer working with one of my competitors. I wish to do nothing more than focus on this. And show you the kick ass woman a lot of you have grown to love.

Let’s get back to our journey and start making homewrecking memories that will last a lifetime.

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Homewrecking Phone Sex